All natural conventional blended supplements.

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   Who is TPS Plus TM
aka The Poultry Store Plus
For the past 14 years we have been one of the largest           rare poultry breeders in the United States.
We have bred some of the most beautiful friendliest birds out there. Even our roosters would cuddle with us.
Breeding such rare breeds as the English bred Lavender Orpington's, English bred Lavender Brahmas, Snow white brahmas. English bred Lavender Ameracauna's, as well as other colors.
Then we ventured into the silkies and started breeding extremely rare colors such as a platinum, frosted silver, peach speckled, charcoal, Ombre and more.
Chickens have evolved in to being pets for people and their families.
We received a lot of calls asking if we knew of a veterinarian that treated chickens and if we did they would ask how expense are they. Most of us know that once a chicken shows symptoms of being sick, it's almost too late.
There is such a shortage out there of veterinarian's that actually treat chickens.
Our goal was to take a preventative approach and keep our chickens as well as others healthy so they did not become sick to begin with.
We began to work on finding the best of all natural chemical free and conventional blends that were proven by scientific data, field tested and showed amazing results. This has taken 12 years of research, field testing on our own birds as well as others.
There are several blends that work on a preventative approach and a few that assist in the recovery phase.
We have had customer's that would ask us "why do your chickens and chicks have this glow about them? The glow is due to maintaining a healthy flock using
TPS Plus TM Products.
TPS Plus TM products were created to aid and support your chickens to keep them healthy and happy.

TPS Plus TM / The Poultry Store Plus products are all natural with no fillers, packed with vitamins and minerals and every ingredient has a job to preform.
Bottom line is if your birds could go out to the market themselves to buy what they needed to keep themselves happy and healthy this is what they would buy.
Thank You for taking the time to read a little about us, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us an email.
The Poultry Store TM